Berliner Dom

One of Germany's largest Protestant churches on the Museum Island in the Spree. Services, guided tours and visits.

The Berliner Dom construction is based on the Italian High Renaissance style, ‘the Baroque’ and is one of the most important Protestant churches of the country. The largest Protestant Church of Berlin is located on the north side of the Museum Island along the river Spree, and is only a few minutes’ walk from Alexanderplatz Square.

As a former Court and Cathedral of the Hohenzollern Dynasty, the cathedral was under the rule of Kaiser Wilhelm II from 1894 to 1905, until it was newly built and now serves as a sermon church with an impressive dome. You can also visit the Hohenzollern crypt with nearly 100 coffins from four centuries ago and the cathedral’s museum. On top of the dome, you will find an amazing view of Berlin. After World War II, the dome’s height was reduced from 114 meters to 98 meters. There are no visits during services and events.

JUMPBerlin says:

The Berlin Cathedral is a building with priceless historical value. The facade, the interior decorations and the central location on the Museum Island make a visit essential if not inevitable.

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Am Lustgarten
Berlin 10178 Berlin DE
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Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 20:00 Sat & Sun: 12:00 - 20:00 from 1. october to 31. march only opened until 19:00 o'clock